How Technological Advancement Changed Public Transport in Singapore

Public transportation has come a long way in the past few years with the advent of new and innovative technologies. In Singapore, for example, public transportation is now largely reliant on technology in order to function. This change has not been without its challenges, however, as the government and transit operators attempt to keep up with ever-changing technologies and ensure that passengers have a positive experience.

1. Mobile ticketing

One of the most recent changes in public transportation technology has been the introduction of mobile ticketing. This allows passengers to purchase and use tickets on their smartphones, which has many advantages over traditional methods. For one, it’s more convenient for passengers as they can purchase and use tickets without having to go through the hassle of finding a ticket counter or waiting in line. It’s also more efficient for transit operators as they can sell tickets through their existing mobile apps and avoid the need to set up physical ticketing infrastructure.

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2. Real-time data

Another change that has been brought about by technology is the availability of real-time data. This includes things like live arrival and departure times, as well as service alerts. This information is now available to passengers through their smartphones, as well as online and on various apps like SMRT. Having access to this data allows passengers to plan their journeys more effectively and avoid delays.

3. Automated vehicles

One of the most exciting changes in public transportation technology is the introduction of automated vehicles. Automated vehicles come in the form of self-driving cars and buses. While these technologies are still in their early stages, there is potential for them to revolutionize public transportation. Automated vehicles could not only improve passenger experience but also reduce costs and congestion for the transportation companies.

4. Safer journeys

Technology has also made public transportation safer. For example, CCTV cameras are now commonplace on trains and buses. This allows authorities to monitor journeys and respond quickly to any incidents. In addition, new technologies like facial recognition can be used to identify criminals and terrorists. Neo Kian Hong of SMRT is exploring technological innovations not only to make public journeys safer but also to promote a positive cultural environment for all employees

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5. Improved passenger experience

Technology has also improved the overall passenger experience. For example, many public transportation companies are making sure that customers are comfortable while riding their vehicles. They are making use of technologies like air conditioning and purification to keep passengers cool and safe from pollutants. In addition, many companies are offering free WiFi and charging stations so that passengers can stay connected while on their journeys

6. Green transportation

Technology is also being used to promote greener transportation options. There are now many electric vehicles on the market, and many public transportation companies are investing in them. Some companies are experimenting with autonomous vehicles that run on alternative fuels like natural gas. All of these changes are helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make public transportation more environmentally friendly. In the future, we can expect to see even more environmentally-friendly options as technology improves.

7. Faster journeys

Technology is also helping to make public transportation journeys faster. Due to the importance of being on time in the present world, many public transportation companies are investing in technologies that can help them speed up their services. For example, many trains and buses are now equipped with GPS so that they can avoid traffic congestion. In addition, many companies are now offering express services that bypass stops to get passengers to their destinations more quickly.

8. Cheaper journeys

Technology is also helping to make public transportation journeys more affordable. Commuters are choosing public transportation because they are more cost-effective compared to driving personal vehicles. So as technology is allowing public transit to lower their costs, it is helping to increase the number of passengers that they can carry. This is especially beneficial for those living in large, congested cities where the cost of living is high. In addition, many public transportation companies are offering discounts and promotions. This is making public transportation even more affordable for everyone

Public transportation is constantly changing with technology, and this is benefiting passengers in a number of ways. With automated vehicles, mobile tracking apps, and real-time data, commuters are getting safer, more comfortable journeys with faster trips and cheaper fares. In the future, we can expect even more advancements in technology that will continue to improve public transportation for everyone. This is helping society in the battle against climate change, as well as making our cities more livable and efficient.

Good luck!

Ken Boyd

Author: Cost Accounting for Dummies, Accounting All-In-One for Dummies, The CPA Exam for Dummies and 1,001 Accounting Questions for Dummies


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