Sometimes, A Bad Boss Is A Good Thing For Your Career

Bad bosses are a lot more common than we think.


According to Gallup data, half of employees have once left a company because of a bad boss experience. What’s more worrying is that a single bad boss can affect a large group of employees. However, are bad bosses always bad news?


As surprising as it might sound, a less-qualified manager may be the best thing for your career. Indeed, if you are willing to think outside the box and find the silver lining, you could profit from the experience. Here is why a bad boss can help move your career forward, even though they may not know it.


The boost you need to quit

Sometimes, at the end of a particularly stressful interaction with your direct manager, you might wonder why you are still working for such a person.


Sure, you could find a long list of reasons to postpone the unavoidable. The moment you start questioning your desire to work for someone is the right time to become a freelancer.


Freelancing is the perfect path for those who don’t want to engage in petty hierarchy fights with the manager. You respond to nobody’s authority your clients, which can be a fantastic motivation to build a specialist freelancing portfolio.

What are the most common reasons to quit your job and become a freelancer?


You feel frustrated in your desk position, or you don’t trust your boss anymore.


This could happen following a workplace injury, for instance. After a dedicated free legal consultation, you can find out if you’ve got a case. Why not secure the monetary compensation you need to establish yourself safely as a freelancer while recovering from your injury?


You can build valuable friendships

Making friends in the workplace can make days feel nicer. It isn’t always easy to reach out to your coworkers and establish a trust relationship. It can take time to get to know someone, even if you suggest a work event outside the office and take an interest in their passions.


However, finding a common adversary has proven to be the most effective way of making new allies at work. A bad boss creates a sense of unity among the team, as people experience the same challenge and frustration. Additionally, by working together, you may be able to neutralize your bad boss!


The motivation to learn new skills

A bad boss can push you to apply for new jobs. If you want to improve your chances of employment, you are likely to consider learning new skills.


The most in-demand skills this year, for instance, include data visualization, negotiation, and cognitive flexibility. Thankfully, you can practice both soft and hard skills through dedicated training programs. Ultimately, making your profile more relevant to other companies requires hard work.


When you want to ensure that your next boss will be better at their job, you know that you can’t afford to rely on luck. You need to do your research and enhance your resumé to appeal to the best people on the market.



Bad bosses can be the beginning of a professional renewal for employees. Whether you choose to take the matter into your own hands and become your own boss, or to expand your networking circle and make friends at work, bad bosses offer a new range of opportunities for creative professionals.



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Good luck!

Ken Boyd

Author: Cost Accounting for Dummies, Accounting All-In-One for Dummies, The CPA Exam for Dummies and 1,001 Accounting Questions for Dummies


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