Why Judgment Is The Enemy Of Success

Working in business means being a people person, whether that comes naturally to you or not. No matter what industry you work in, or whether you work for yourself or for someone else, the world of work requires you to have great people skills. Without them, you will shut yourself off to key opportunities and earn a bad  reputation in your industry.


Although it is essential to have great people skills in business, many people are still fixed in a negative mindset. Due to the competitive nature of business, a lot of people feel it necessary to be on guard all the time, judging others and letting their prejudices control their business success.


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In today’s post, you will learn why judgment of others is the ultimate enemy to success – and how to dig yourself out of this negative mindset.

Do you see yourself judging others?

Often, a judgmental mindset is so entrenched in our psyche that we don’t even realize they are doing it. You might consider yourself an open-minded person, but in the real world, you internally judge others for how they conduct themselves, or their way of life.


Next time you meet a person in or outside of work, challenge yourself. What do you immediately think about them? Perhaps you don’t like the way they dress, or the way they speak. What does your judgment of them say about you?


Once you notice this pattern, try to switch the narrative. Ask yourself: What can I learn from this person that I don’t already know? How can this person make me a better business person, and a better human being?


By doing this simple exercise, you are challenging yourself to put away preconceived ideas about people. Let’s take a look at some business examples below!

Why judgment impedes business success.

Let’s think, for a moment, about the last business event you attended. You met lots of people, all of them from different backgrounds, with different business experience.


Now let’s imagine you walked into every conversation at that event knowing you would learn something great from that person. How would your attitude have been different? You’d have probably been more confident, and you definitely would have listened more carefully to what they had to say.


Next time you attend a similar event or meeting, try this out. Go into it assuming you will make new friends and learn valuable lessons from each person, and see how quickly your attitude towards them changes. You never know what doors could be opened to you in the business world, simply by giving everyone you meet the time of day.


No matter who this person is or how they differ from you, life is about being open to the idea that you’re wrong sometimes. Allow new people to change your perception of the world around you. You might have lived your life totally against drugs, for example – but meet a legal cannabis business owner, like Cannabiz, and you could find your mind being changed. This is just one example of so many – so apply it to your own life as you wish!

Final thoughts…

Judging others gets you nowhere. Once you change the narrative in your own mind, doors will begin opening to you!


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Good luck!

Ken Boyd

Author: Cost Accounting for Dummies, Accounting All-In-One for Dummies, The CPA Exam for Dummies and 1,001 Accounting Questions for Dummies

(email) ken@stltest.net

(website and blog) https://www.accountingaccidentally.com/