Common Challenges You Can Face As A Parent And The Cost

As a parent, it’s always best to expect the unexpected and constantly prepare for the worst scenario. If you prepare for the worst, then it won’t be a shock when it happens. It’s important to be aware that there are numerous challenges that you can face with your kids as a parent. By being aware of these you can ensure that you are taking the right steps to help them through these difficult situations.

Let’s explore some of the common issues that you might need to face down with your kids and the action that you should consider as a parent in these situations. Some of these issues can lead to additional costs which you may need to manage.

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Addressing Bullying

Bullying is far more common than most parents are willing to admit. Indeed, research suggests that 80% of children will experience some form of bullying before they reach the age of 18. That’s important to know because it means that your child is more likely than not to be a victim of this issue.

Many people claim that bullying creates thicker skin and can help children develop. Again, this may not be true. The latest studies suggest that bullying can cause long term psychological consequences which may follow your child into their adult life. It has even been linked with addiction and future abuse or poor lifestyle choices.

So, what’s the best way to deal with bullying? Well, there’s no easy answer here. But you should start by contacting the school if you do suspect bullying. They may or may not be aware of the issue. Be aware that each school has its own policies when it comes to how to deal with bullying. The good news is that most schools these days do have zero tolerance policies which are useful in stamping out the issue before it grows out of control.

If you don’t think that the school is doing enough to solve the problem, then you may need to take matters into your own hands. This isn’t always easy. For instance, you can reach out to the parent of the bully. Or, you might want to think about providing your child with coping mechanisms that they can use on a daily basis. Sometimes simply ignoring the bully makes them go away. However, this can also be risky and could leave your child struggling in silence.

Teaching your child to fight back is not a smart move. But teaching your child self defense can be. This will guarantee that they are not in any risk of a dangerous situation in the future. Do note that while bullying can be physical, it can also occur online. This can be dangerous in itself because it could remain undetected for months. That’s why you need to work to maintain an open dialogue with your children.

Be aware severe levels of bullying will often require counseling. You should explore the different rates of counseling while guaranteeing that your child does receive quality support.

Learning Difficulty

Learning trouble is extremely common. For some kids this is only going to be one subject or one area of school, and for others it’s going to be multiple. Whatever the case, you need to sit down and come up with ways to help them, rather than make them feel less than simply because they are struggling. Too many parents put so much pressure on their children when it comes to academics, but it doesn’t help anyone.

It’s actually what leads to a lot of mental health declines in younger people, which is something that you want to avoid entirely. So, instead of making them feel bad for what they cannot do, you should be taking the time to help them.

While you might not be a teacher academically, you teach your kids things on a daily basis. If you can teach them the life skills that they need, then you are going to be able to help them with some of their schoolwork also. When they are younger this might mean using resources such as handwriting worksheets to aid them in bettering their handwriting, and as they get older it’s going to be more complex subjects.

If you are worried about your child and their learning but you don’t think that you are the best fit to help them, you can do one of two things. First, you can get in touch with the school and speak to them about getting some extra help for your child. The second is that you can hire a private tutor to help them in the areas that they are struggling. We recommend asking your child if they are old enough to make the choice themselves. Allow them to take control of their learning by giving them the choice, and then support them however you can. Problems with learning does not mean that your child is dumb, just that they need a little more support, and there is nothing wrong with this.

If your child is experiencing learning issues, you may need to hire a professional to help them. This can be costly but it will be worth it to ensure that your child does get the right grades during their school career.

Considering Sensory Issues


Another common problem that children have is sensory issues. A common misconception is that these are only experienced by those who have learning difficulties, but this is not always the case. Have you ever heard of sensory overload? This is where someone’s senses become so bombarded that they have trouble processing them, sometimes leading to a panic attack or breakdown. This is a lot more common than you think, and because people don’t understand this well, it happens a lot in children.


Sensory issues can also be a lot less severe such as your child not liking excessive amounts of noises. There are always ways to combat this, such as buying them a pair of ear defenders that they can use when they are in crowded places, or soundproof headphones that they can use to listen to their music. Try to remember that it can be difficult for them to communicate if they are having trouble with their senses, and as such you have to learn their cues and what to look for.


The good news is that there are lots of different pieces of tech available which can help a child with sensory issues. These will be available to a parent working with virtually any budget.


Assessing Mood Swings


Mood swings are typical when you have a teenager, but what people don’t tell you is that they can start a lot earlier than the teenage years. Toddlers are known for their ability to have mood swings, hence the nickname for 2 year olds of the terrible 2’s. While it might not be socially acceptable to call these phases mood swings, that is exactly what they are. Your toddler is experiencing a whole host of emotions that they can’t properly process and express, and that is what ends up in tantrums.

When your child gets older, they can also find it hard to manage their moods. They may find it difficult to express what they are feeling, or even to make sense of their emotions. As the body changes, it can be becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with the overwhelming feelings that come with this, and it’s times like these that they need you to be at your most understanding.

Yes, it’s frustrating and it’s difficult, but you need to help them navigate the world as best you can. Everyone has their mood swings, but meeting them with understanding is better than meeting them with frustration.

If your child is struggling with their mood more than usual, it can be a hormonal imbalance. You may want to pay for them to see a specialist doctor who can help here while also providing the right advice.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the common challenges that you can face with your kids. Raising kids is not easy, and even though the social media moms of the world take great pride in showing off how amazing they are, it doesn’t help the rest of us. You are doing a great job, and just because you are going to encounter problems, or you are currently experiencing problems, does not make you a bad parent. The only thing that you can do is try to navigate these situations as best you can.

Consult with a professional therapist to get the help you need, and to address these issues.


Ken Boyd

Author: Cost Accounting for Dummies, Accounting All-In-One for Dummies, The CPA Exam for Dummies and 1,001 Accounting Questions for Dummies

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