How To Find a Financial Advisor: Upcoming Webinars

The Decision Is Critical  Your choices about financial advice have a huge impact over your lifetime. Other than decisions about relationships and careers, these choices may have the biggest impact on your personal life. There are two trends that make finding a financial advisor difficult for investors: #1- An overload of financial information Technology now […]

2 Warning Signs That Affordable Care Act (ACA) Insurance Premiums Are Increasing

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has created a great deal of confusion for individuals who need insurance coverage. First, people need to know whether or not they are in compliance with ACA. So, that’s one unknown. Once you get ACA coverage, a second unknown is the increases you face with your insurance premiums. Your rates […]

The Meaning of “Priority” and the City of Chicago’s Debt Refinancing Mess

I was interested to learn from this Tim Ferriss podcast that, for hundreds of years, the word “priorities” was never used. Because you can only have one true priority. It wasn’t until the industrial revolution that the word “priorities” started to be widely used. With so many tasks to do so quickly, people decided that […]

Do You Make These 3 Personal Finance Mistakes? (4 Video Links)

Small mistakes with your finances can make a huge impact over time. The small mistakes are annoying, because it takes some effort to notice them. This means that you need to spend some time looking at your finances- maybe each week. Here are three common mistakes that can cost you. Subscribe to Accounting Accidentally on […]

What The Greek Debt Crisis Can Teach Us About Personal Finances

Having a large amount of personal debt can be frustrating. Like any big problem, it can be difficult to visualize a process for getting out of debt. The Greek debt crisis serves as a cautionary tale about debt. We can all learn from the mistakes made by Greece.

What Jeb Bush’s Tax Return Can Teach Us About Income Taxes (4 Video Links)

Nothing is more frustrating than dealing the income taxes. According to the 2013 CCH Standard Federal Tax Reporter, it would take nearly 74,000 pages (8 1/2 by 11-inch) to explain the federal tax code. It’s so complex that most people cannot get their arms around it. Here’s an example that can help you understand some […]

The Beer Pong Impulse Buy and Mutual Fund Costs

$30 for Campari? I was muttering about the high cost of my cocktails when I turned and saw it- the beer pong impulse buy. You’re in the liquor section of the grocery store- why not sell people ping pong balls for beer pong- and put them on the door of the beer freezer? (They had […]

Warning: The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Individual Mandate May Apply To You

Health care is a critically important issue for everyone. If you don’t have coverage- or if you’re changing insurance companies- the issue can be very stressful. Despite the best efforts of US Health and Human Services, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is still confusing to many people. One big area of confusion is the individual […]

Little-Known Factors That Could Affect Your Medicare Coverage

As we get older, health issues can be frustrating. It’s common sense that we’ll all face more health issues as we approach retirement age. As health issues increase, so does the importance of proper health insurance coverage. Use these tips to avoid problems with Medicare enrollment. Have a question about personal finance or entrepreneurship? Join […]

Lying About the South Pole, and Improving Your Credit Score

If you’re going to beat someone else to the South Pole, don’t tell anyone. In 1910, two groups attempted to reach the South Pole- and become the first people in history reach the pole. As this great podcast explains, one large, well-funded group was led by Robert Falcon Scott from Britain. Roald Amundsen led a […]