8 Ways to Make the Most of Your New Employees

We all know that training new employees is costly and time-consuming. You’ve already invested much in your trusted recruitment company to find you the perfect workers, and now the responsibility of guiding them to do their job well falls on you. However, there are many different things you can do to ensure the productivity of your new hires right from day one. This way, they’ll be more likely to take on responsibility at work, which is why it’s important for managers to remember that training starts on day one!


1. Create a detailed job description

It’s important for new employees to know exactly what is expected of them in their roles. Without a job description, they’ll have no idea of the tasks and responsibilities required in order for them to do their job well. Your employees should be given the opportunity to ask questions about their jobs early on so they can start doing it effectively from day one.


2. Provide a tour of the workplace


A new employee is going to be wandering around a bit blindly in their first couple of days on the job, so it’s important to give them some form of orientation around the office. Guide them through where they can find necessary supplies and tools, as well as show them what you consider to be the best places for breaks and relaxation. Providing them with a workspace is also necessary, even if it’s just a temporary desk before they get their own.


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3. Brief them on company policies


Just as you have a job description to outline your expectations of your employees, it would be beneficial for your new hires to know exactly what to expect from you and your company. Inform them about how they can go about filing a complaint or compliment, as well as inform them of any work-related policies such as dress code and time off.


4. Encourage questions


One of the most crucial parts of training new employees is giving them the chance to ask questions. The more questions they ask, the more informed and knowledgeable they’ll be about their role. It’s important to encourage them to ask questions at any time, whether it’s during or after work hours. New employees should know that asking questions is not just allowed but also encouraged!

5. Set workplace standards


No two companies are exactly alike, and your new employees should know that. The more you do to set a standard for your company, the easier it will be for them to get used to working in an environment that’s unlike anywhere else. Although every employee should have the ability to express their individuality, they must also abide by your workplace standards while they’re on the clock.


6. Be a role model


It’s important to set a good example for your employees because it will help them learn how to do things the right way, especially at work. When you’re in an authoritative position, your subordinates will look up to you and mimic your behavior while they’re doing their own job. So if you want them to be productive employees, you have to set the standard for what that means right from day one.


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7. Encourage new ideas

It’s important for new employees to feel like they’re genuinely contributing and helping the company move in a positive direction. Asking them questions about their role and encouraging them to think of new ways in which they can improve their jobs will further motivate them. New employees are likely to feel more valued once they know that their input is felt and appreciated. There’s no harm in encouraging new ideas, especially because you’ll be surprised by how useful it could be for the company!


8. Give them the tools they need


New employees will be thrilled if you allow them to get their hands on some of the essential items that are required for doing their job well. Maybe your new graphic designer wants Adobe Creative Suite, or maybe your new salesperson would love a branded company car. Whatever they’re looking for, it’s important to give your new employees the tools that they need in order to excel and succeed.


If you want your new employees to be productive, make sure they are given the opportunity to ask questions about their jobs early on so that they can start doing it effectively from day one. You should also provide a tour of the workplace and brief them on company policies. Furthermore, encourage questions by giving them the chance to ask whenever or after work hours as well as setting workplace standards for what’s expected in order for every employee to abide by while at work.


It’s important that you set an example because your subordinates will watch how you behave and mimic this behavior themselves when given opportunities like these. Encourage new ideas and give them tools if necessary in order to excel and succeed!


Ken Boyd

Author: Cost Accounting for Dummies, Accounting All-In-One for Dummies, The CPA Exam for Dummies and 1,001 Accounting Questions for Dummies