Managing Finances for Couple-Owned Businesses in the Philippines (4 Video Links)

  Establish a budget and stick to it. Consider using an app or software to help with creating and managing the budget. Separate business and family expenses to avoid financial stress. Invest in things like an education insurance plan for future family expenses. Set financial goals and track progress regularly to ensure you are on […]

Starting a Construction Business with Licensed Workers

Certified workers have extensive training, passed exams, and obtained licenses to prove their skills and knowledge. The certification process varies depending on the trade and location, requiring training, experience, and exams. Local trade associations, job boards, and vocational schools are great resources for finding certified workers. Investing in certified workers can improve your business reputation, […]

Essential Tips for Negotiating a Higher Price When Selling Your Real Estate Property (4 Video Links)

Do your homework: research market value, prepare a list of negotiating points, analyze buyer’s needs, and know your negotiation areas. Be confident and assertive when presenting selling points and advocating for a higher price. You need to build a personal relationship with the buyer to create trust and comfort. Leverage the first offer as an […]

Attracting and Choosing Investors – The Perfect Match for your Business (4 Video Links)

In today’s dynamic business landscape, investors play a crucial role in fueling growth. They can help provide resources and expertise to startups and established businesses alike. While the most common thought when it comes to investors is capital, there is a lot more than meets the eye.   There is no denying that securing investments […]

Keeping Costs Down in the First Few Years of Your Business Startup (4 Video Links)

Creating a realistic budget is important for keeping costs down in the first few years of a startup. Embracing technology can help save time and money by automating and streamlining business operations. Outsourcing non-core functions, such as accounting and IT, can save money and allow for a focus on core business functions. Cost-effective marketing channels, […]