What Nearly Getting Crushed By A Light Pole Teaches Us About Investing

I don’t know if I can call what happened to me last Friday morning a “near death experience”, but it was attention getting.. Every morning, I go by a Panera about 6 blocks from my house to get coffee. While I’m in the car, I start to organize my thoughts for the day: what am […]

What Oil Price Swings Can Teach Us About Investment Sectors

Investors have seen almost historic price swings in the markets. As of January 13, 2016, the Standard and Poor’s (S&P) 500 index is down over 7.5% for the year. One big impact on the market is the decline in the price of oil. Oil prices have declined by more than 60 percent since June of […]

What A Zombie Apocalypse Can Teach Us About Robo Investment Advice

The demands of investors- particularly millennial investors- are dramatically changing how people find and use investment advice. One massive trend is the shift toward automated investment services, or using “robo advisors”. Is this type of service ultimately better for investors? Now, the zombie reference is an exaggeration. But it’s used to make the point that […]

How An Elevator Speech Can Explain Successful Investing

Don’t invest in things that you don’t understand. That’s a line from Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. The line gained popularity before and shortly after the tech bubble burst in the early 2000s. Buffett didn’t jump on the tech stock bandwagon during the 1990s for a few reasons. First, many of […]