10 Reasons Why You’re Getting Frequent Colds


Many people have a recurring problem with catching colds. They’ll get one, then another, and another-sometimes as often as once a month!


But that doesn’t have to be your story! In this article, we’re going to explore ten reasons why you might be getting more colds than other people do.

Consult with a doctor regarding all medical issues.


Check out the list below and see if any of them resonate with you:


1. You’re Sick, and Need Plant-Based Solutions

You may be catching more colds than other people because you’re always sick! If your immune system is always fighting a battle to keep you healthy, it can quickly become overwhelmed and collapse-leaving you susceptible to infections like the common cold.

Many people use plant-based solutions to feel better, including kratom, which can give a boost in mental and physical energy. Katom can be purchased from Kona Kratom Shop which sells kratom powders and capsules online.  The company’s goal is to provide consistent quality kratom leaf products, at a reasonable price.

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2. You Don’t Get Enough Sleep

Your body needs time to recover from the day before, so not getting enough sleep makes you more vulnerable to catching illness! Aim for at least seven hours of sleep per night, and try turning in earlier -after all, everyone feels better when they get an extra hour of shuteye!


3. You’re Stressed Out

Many studies have shown that stress actually suppresses our immune system, so it can be harder to fight off colds when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Fortunately, there are things you can do to manage stress-from yoga and meditation to just taking a bit of time for yourself each day to relax.


4. You Spend Time With Sick People

Whether it’s your smelly friend who never washes their hands or someone coughing in line at the grocery store right next to you, germs are everywhere. If you mix with enough viruses and bacteria on a regular basis, it makes sense that you’d eventually catch something!


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5. You Don’t Wash Your Hands Often Enough

You may not realize how easy it is for illness-using germs to spread when you touch surfaces that have them, then touch your eyes or mouth.


Practice good handwashing hygiene with hot water and soap for at least 20 seconds every time after using the restroom, coming in contact with animals or their waste, taking public transportation, or touching items in a store (such as shopping carts).


6. You Don’t Get Enough Vitamin C

You may not realize it, but the food actually has some of the highest concentrations of essential vitamins-if you know what to look for! Vitamin C is great for fighting infections like colds, so make sure to eat plenty of vitamin-C-rich foods like oranges, kiwis, red bell peppers, leafy greens, and broccoli.

7. You Have Allergies

If you suffer from allergies, it can cause your airways to become inflamed and cause mucus production. This makes it easier for cold viruses to infect your system as they travel through your sinuses and throat!


You’ll still need to practice the common cold prevention tips we mentioned before-but if you know you have pollen or animal dander allergies, try investing in a quality air filter and anti-allergy medications. Also, know the cause of the allergy so that you can avoid it.


8. You Don’t Get Regular Check-Ups

Many times people don’t get colds because they have a symptom of another, more serious condition. That’s why it’s important to get regular check-ups and ensure that you keep up with your health care! If something unusual or concerning is found during a check-up, treatment can begin sooner rather than later-making your immune system stronger and increasing your chance of preventing colds.


9. You Touch Your Face Without Knowing It

Touching your face without knowing it is one cause of catching frequent colds. You should stop doing this immediately if you want to learn how to prevent getting sick all the time… But wait, what? Why should I stop touching my face?

The answer is simple: you are spreading the virus by touching your face, nose, and mouth with dirty hands. This includes when you are sick!


10. You Eat the Wrong Foods for Your Body Type

Your food choices can also affect your immunity to colds. If you like to eat high-fat foods like fries and cheese, or processed carbohydrates like white bread, you’ll want to cut back on these types of junk foods to make sure that your body is working properly!


Instead, opt for more whole grains, nuts (like almonds), and fatty fish like salmon. This way, you get the energy you need without feeling sluggish.


Well, there you have it: ten reasons why you might be catching more colds than other people. Whether it’s stress, lack of vitamins, or just plain old bad luck, you don’t have to live with cold after cold. Do what you can to avoid frequent infections and make sure that if your immune system is suffering, you take care of it by getting regular check-ups and treating any underlying conditions.


Ken Boyd

Author: Cost Accounting for Dummies, Accounting All-In-One for Dummies, The CPA Exam for Dummies and 1,001 Accounting Questions for Dummies