What Jeb Bush’s Tax Return Can Teach Us About Income Taxes (4 Video Links)

Nothing is more frustrating than dealing the income taxes. According to the 2013 CCH Standard Federal Tax Reporter, it would take nearly 74,000 pages (8 1/2 by 11-inch) to explain the federal tax code. It’s so complex that most people cannot get their arms around it. Here’s an example that can help you understand some […]

The Beer Pong Impulse Buy and Mutual Fund Costs

$30 for Campari? I was muttering about the high cost of my cocktails when I turned and saw it- the beer pong impulse buy. You’re in the liquor section of the grocery store- why not sell people ping pong balls for beer pong- and put them on the door of the beer freezer? (They had […]

Warning: The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Individual Mandate May Apply To You

Health care is a critically important issue for everyone. If you don’t have coverage- or if you’re changing insurance companies- the issue can be very stressful. Despite the best efforts of US Health and Human Services, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is still confusing to many people. One big area of confusion is the individual […]